Waterock, L3C, was organized and is led by 2 young Grandmothers who share a belief in the capacity of people to help themselves in achieving land and water conservation objectives.
Our Board of Directors, includes an equally committed team of "Doers" who monitor our implantation of the company Business Plan.
L3C, is a new social business initiative stimulated by the increasing desire of philanthropists to encourage social impact investing in “for-profit” activities. The L3 is a Limited Profit, Limited Liability Company. It is a business alternative to a charity activity.
Its principal objectives are:
- Social Development,
- Environmental Protection,
- Humanitarian Welfare.
- Housing for the elderly and low income families
- Health focused services
The L3C is investor owned and managed.
Registration is offered by 3 Native American Tribes: Navajo, Crow, and Sioux, and 9 U.S. States.
Investors have the potential of earning yearly dividends on limited profit as an alternative to a onetime tax deductible receipt for a contribution to a charity.
It is an ideal business structure for land and water restoration, and for permaculture activities.
It is a Partnership whose investors accept the beneficial purpose of the company as compensation for earning less than market rate dividends on the Company's profit.
For Grant Making Foundations, and Donor Advised Funds, the I.R.S. permits the extension of P.R.I.'s (Program Related Investments) to the L3C.

Laurence de Bure, Chairwoman
Farmer, Humanitarian, Business Developer on Sustainable activities, Public Relations and Communications. Board Member of the American Indian Institute and The Foundation for Moral Courage. Speaks English and French.

Valer Austin, Vice Chairwoman
Founder and President of Cuenca Los Ojos Foundation, Rancher with 30 years of experience on Watershed and Land Restoration. Valer's interview in Oprah Magazine. She has been honored by many national and international scientific and environmental organizations for her pioneering work.

Susan Silverman, Board Member
Executive Director and Founder of Garden, Inc. (Growing Alternative Resource Development and Enterprise Network). Writer, educator, researcher, organic gardener, project director, editor, development specialist, visual artist and community organizer.

Kate Tirion, Board Member
Permaculture farmer and developer of the Deep Dirt Farm Institute which is offering to its participants an evolving, living model, of possibilities. She guides their development of new relationships with place, nurturing their ability to see with different eyes, and developing new skills through a direct and collaborative experience.

Carol Blomstrand, Board Member
Social Media Manager CEO/Chief Engagement Officer and owner of Trumpet Social Media. Social marketing consultant to national corporations and local organizations in southern Arizona. Formerly a journalist and Editor of Chicago Magazine. Based in Tucson, Arizona.

Sy Rotter, Board Member
A businessman with over 40 years of public and private agency experiences including service in the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C. and in La Paz, Bolivia; Foundation Executive and Board member; and for the last 35 years President of the Washington Liaison Office, LLC, an international business representational service for investments and for L3C business development.

Dr. David F. Seibert, Program Manager
Dr. Seibert has had a remarkable 20 year, ecological restoration work experience including "sacred site restoration" for the Hopi Tribe, and hydrology based erosion control for the Navajo Nation, Southern Paiute and Zuni Tribes. He will also continue in his primary assignment as Executive Director of Borderlands Restoration, L3C, based in Patagonia, Az.